Impacts of Left Bundle/Peri-Left Bundle Pacing on Left Ventricular Contraction

Background: His-bundle pacing is an emerging routine technique that avoids pacing-dependent side effects. However, the success rate of His-bundle pacing is not 100%. Methods and Results: Left bundle pacing or peri-left bundle pacing (LBP/peri-LBP) are recently developed techniques that directly capture the left bundle or ventricular tissue near the left bundle. We evaluated the success rate of LBP/peri-LBP in patients whose treatment with His-bundle pacing failed. In addition, we evaluated left ventricular contraction and desynchrony after LBP/peri-LBP. Conclusions: LBP/peri-LBP is an alternative ventricular pacing method in atrioventricular block in patients with failure of His-bundle pacing.