The reaction of soybean varieties to the use of a biological product

Relevance. In the conditions of the Central Black Earth region in the farm “Yaroslav the Wise” of the Starooskolsky district of the Belgorod region, five soybean varieties (Belgorodskaya 48, Bara, Victoria, Opus and Kassidi) were studied on nutritional backgrounds — without seed inoculation and without biological treatment (control), using only inoculation and with the use of a biological product against the background of seed inoculation.Methods. The experimental conditions differed in rainfall patterns and the amount of heat, their distribution was especially uneven in 2020, that had a significant negative effect on the yield of all studied soybean varieties. The soil of the experimental plot is typical medium-thick chernozem, medium-humus, heavy loamy texture. The advantages of the soybean variety Opus, the plants of which formed a large height, air-dry mass, leaf area, a greater number and mass of nitrogen-fixing nodules on the roots, were revealed. Plants of this variety provided a higher yield level in all studied agro-backgrounds.Results. The yield varied from 32,5 centners per hectare (control) to 36,2 centners per hectare (when using the biological product Biogor, Zh). The content and collection of protein were also higher in the Opus cultivar in all the studied agrophones. In comparison with the control, the protein content was higher by 4% (background — control), by 4,9% — with inoculation of seeds and by 6,1% — when using a biological product. The same pattern is observed when assessing the oil content in seeds and collecting protein and oil per hectare of soybean sowing. Inoculation of seeds with soybean inoculant Nitragin, KM improved plant development and increased productivity, as well as the profitability of cultivation of the studied soybean varieties, which was higher when using a biological product against the background of seed inoculation by an average of 27%, while with only inoculation — by only 15,1%.