The effects of traumatic life events and losses can be passed down from generation to generation through intergenerational and/or transgenerational transmission. The genosociogram is a family tree study enriched with important life events and connections. With the Genosoyogram study, it is possible to trace unresolved and incomplete traumas and ensure their completion. It is known that traumas have an important role in the etiopathogenesis of somatic symptom disorder. In this case report, it is aimed to present the results of the genosociogram study of 22 patients with somatic symptom disorder. Most of the patients had traumatic lives during childhood. It was determined that approximately one third of the patients had similar somatic symptom history, and 2 patients had anniversary reactions. It can be said that in patients with somatic symptom disorder, the genosoyogram study enables a detailed examination of the trauma and its effects, and to recognize the burdens transferred from past generations. It is also possible to see and remember positive elements such as strength, hope and commitment to life transferred from our ancestors. Studies using comprehensive and standardized measurement tools are needed on this subject.