Comparative Analysis of the Kickboxers’ Impact Techniques Indicators at the Preliminary Basic Training Stage Taking Into Account the Weight Categories

The objective of the study is to conduct a comprative analysis of the kickboxers experimental and control groups' performance. Materials and methods. The pedagogical study involved 60 kickboxers who were at the stage of preliminary basic training. There were formed two homogeneous groups. The experimental group consisted of 30 people in three categories: I (67 kg), II (70 kg), III (74 kg). There were 10 people in each category. The control group also consisted of 30 people in the same three categories: I (67 kg), II (70 kg), III (74 kg). There were also 10 people in each category. Results. The ratio of impact techniques quantitative indicators between the control and experimental groups determines the effectiveness of kickboxers’ impact techniques at the stage of preliminary basic training, taking into account the weight categories, where the experimental group significantly exceeded (p ≤ 0.05) the control group by all indicators. Conclusions. The study of existing research has revealed that the analysis of motor performance techniques of kickboxers can be a component of training to improve the efficiency of the training process and the effectiveness of competitive activities. The analysis of the special literature allowed to determine the most frequently performed percussion techniques in oriental martial arts. The results obtained after the experiment indicate that the indicators of technical motor actions of kickboxers in the experimental group are significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) than in the control group. A detailed analysis of the technique of percussion among kickboxers allowed to establish the difference in technical training between athletes of the experimental and control groups, taking into account weight categories during the performance of eight strokes for the first category (67 kg) were in the range of 14.7-36.3% (in the second category, 70 kg) – 15.0-51.2% and III category (74 kg) – 15.3-66.6% in favor of the experimental group.