Moral Sensitive Human Resource Development: A Conceptual Model and Its Implementation

In this paper, we propose a conceptual model to improve moral sensitivity in human resource development (HRD) practices to assist human resource (HR) practitioners in contending with moral challenges in HRD. The literature on the relationship between ethics and HRD suggests that the organizational and employee development discipline deals with ethical issues at three different levels: Individual, organizational and  and communal, and international levels. In section I, we elaborate on moral challenges facing HRD. In section II, we conceptualize moral sensitiveity in HRD, and propose a conceptual model in virtue of some essential ethical theories and concepts, that assist HRD face those problems. We will show how each theory and concept can help HRD to deal with relevant problems. In section III, we elaborate on the practical approaches to implement moral sensitivity in sensitivity HRD. We put forward some strategies that help HRD bring those theories and concepts to bear on the ethical problems facing this discipline. Finally, we discuss moral education through learning theories to cultivate moral concepts and ethical dimensions in HRD education.