Surgical Treatment of Lymphangiom in Children: Case Series

Background. Lymphangiomas are non-specific malformations that develop from the lymphatic vessels. Usually, the disease is asymptomatic, but there may be complications requiring emergency care. In the literature there is no consensus about the method of choice in the treatment of these formations. Description of A Case Series. The article is devoted to the evaluation of the efficacy of surgical treatment of lymphangiomas in children. There are also several clinical cases showing mediastinal lymphangioma with a clinical picture of respiratory failure, lymphangioma of the abdominal cavity, imitating the symptoms of an acute abdomen and lymphangioma of a rare anatomical localization. The results of treatment of 48 children for the period from 2008 to 2017 were analyzed at «Morozov Children Municipal Clinical Hospital» (Moscow). The basis of treatment was the removal of education within healthy tissues. When the radical intervention was impossible in 5 (10.4%) children we used resection of the tumor with sparing coagulation of the surface of the formation. Infectious complications arose in 3 (6.3%), lymphorrhea — in 13 (27.1%) patients. Recurrences of lymphangiomas developed in 2 (4.2%) patients. In the case of lymphorrhea, expectant management and parenteral nutrition were used. The repeated operations were performed with recurrences. The catamnesis ranges from 6 months to 10 years. Conclusion. Radical removal of lymphangiomas of internal organs can be recommended to children of any age as an effective way to treat this disease.