Research on the structural model of the perception scale of Assessment for Learning in college students’ PE class

Under the guidance of the basic theory of AFL, a scientific and targeted measuring tool was initially developed to measure the perceived degree of college students’ Assessment for learning in physical education classroom and serve as an important basis for the implementation of AFL in physical education classroom. according to the scale of the content framework, on the basis of expert interview and the inherent characteristics of AFL in the physical education classroom to form the initial questionnaire, used early 487 college students as object to the initial questionnaire for project analysis, to form the formal questionnaire, we used 391 college students as formal subjects was carried out the formal questionnaire by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, test reliability and validity, to form the Perception Scale of AFL in College Students’ PE Class. The perception scale of AFL in College Students’ PE Class included 27 items, which were divided into four dimensions of learning diagnosis, goal clarification, process experience and result scaffold, which accounted for 64.253% of the total variation. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that the fitting index was good (2/DF =2.819, GFI = 0.905, AGFI = 0.912, IFI = 0.905, CFI = 0.926, NFI = 0.943, RMSEA = 0.056). The overall internal consistency of the questionnaire was 0.895, the coefficients of each dimension were between 0.863 and 0.917, and the retest reliability was between 0.834 and 0.912. The scale as a whole has high calibration positive validity. The Perception Scale of AFL in College Students’ PE Class compiled by this research has good differentiation, reliability and validity, and can be used as a measuring tool for Chinese college students’ perceived assessment for learning in physical education classroom.
Funding Information
  • Educational Science Planning in Jiangxi Province (20PTZD018)
  • The National Social Science Fund of China (12BTY032)