ABSTRAKPengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mensosialisasikan dan mengaplikasikan inovasi teknologi dalam bidang pertanian, yaitu alat deteksi kesuburan tanah. Peserta yang dilibatkan dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini yaitu perwakilan aparat desa, petani dan para pemuda Karang Taruna. Rangkaian kegiatan ini meliputi 3 tahapan yaitu: Tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaaan dan tahap evaluasi. Tahap persiapan meliputi perizinan dan persiapan peserta serta persiapan pemateri. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi pembukaan, pemaparan mengenai alat deteksi kesuburan tanah dilanjutkan dengan diskusi dan tanya jawab peserta yang hadir, kemudian mempraktekan cara menggunakan alat deteksi tersebut, serah terima benih beserta tanaman dan alat deteksi untuk dimanfaatkan dan diaplikasikan dimasyarakat. Pada tahap evaluasi, peserta mengisi kuesioner yang telah disediakan, hasil kuesioner yaitu meliputi: aspek presentasi yang disampaikan pemateri memiliki nilai 73%, aspek atensi yang disampaikan oleh pemateri bernilai 76%, aspek komprehensif bernilai 86%, dan aspek hasil dengan nilai 84%. Serta aspek kognitif bernilai 80%, aspek afektif 87% dan aspek konatif 84%. Maka rata-rata semua aspek yaitu bernilai 82%. Kata kunci: pertanian; kesuburan tanah. ABSTRACTCommunity service aims to socialize and apply technological innovations in agriculture, that is a soil fertility detection tool. Participants involved in this service activity were representatives of village officials, farmers and youth from the Youth Organization. This series of activities includes 3 stages, namely: the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the evaluation stage. The preparation stage includes licensing and preparation of participants as well as the preparation of the presenters. The implementation stage includes opening, explaining about soil fertility detection tools, followed by discussion and questions and answers from the participants who attended. Then practice how to use the detection tool, hand over the seeds and plants and the detection tool to be used and applied in the community. For activity evaluation materials, the results obtained from the questionnaires that have been filled in by the activity participants are: the presentation aspect explained by the speaker has a value of 73%. the attention aspect is delivered by the speaker was 76%. comprehensive aspect has a value 86%, and the results aspect with a value of 84%. And the cognitive aspect has a value of 80%. 87% affective aspects and 84% conative aspects. Then the average of all aspects is worth 82%. Keywords: agriculture; soil fertility.