Recurrence Decompositions in Finsler Space

Finsler geometry is a kind of differential geometry originated by P. Finsler. Indeed, Finsler geometry has several uses in a wide variety and it is playing an important role in differential geometry and applied mathematics of problems in physics relative, manual footprint. It is usually considered as a generalization of Riemannian geometry. In the present paper, we introduced some types of generalized $W^{h}$ -birecurrent Finsler space, generalized $W^{h}$ -birecurrent affinely connected space and we defined a Finsler space $F_{n}$ for Weyl's projective curvature tensor $W_{jkh}^{i}$ satisfies the generalized-birecurrence condition with respect to Cartan's connection parameters $\Gamma ^{\ast i}_{kh}$, such that given by the condition (\ref{2.1}), where $\left\vert m\right. \left\vert n\right. $ is\ h-covariant derivative of second order (Cartan's second kind covariant differential operator) with respect to $x^{m}$ \ and $x^{n}$ ,\ successively, $\lambda _{mn}$ and $\mu _{mn~}$ are\ non-null covariant vectors field and such space is called as a generalized $W^{h}$ -birecurrent\ space and denoted briefly by $GW^{h}$ - $BRF_{n}$ . We have obtained some theorems of generalized $W^{h}$ -birecurrent affinely connected space for the h-covariant derivative of the second order for Wely's projective torsion tensor $~W_{kh}^{i}$ , Wely's projective deviation tensor $~W_{h}^{i}$ in our space. We have obtained the necessary and sufficient condition forsome tensors in our space.