The Safety of Fluoride Compounds and Their Effect on the Human Body—A Narrative Review

Fluoride is one of the elements commonly present in the human environment. Due to its characteristics, it is very widely used in medicine, dentistry, industry or agriculture. On the other hand, its universality possesses a real threat to the human body in the form of acute and chronic poisoning. The aim of this paper is to characterize the properties of fluoride and its effects on the human body, as well as the sources of its occurrence. Particular emphasis is placed on the safety of its use and optimal dosage intake, which prevents accumulation and reduces its potential side effects. The positive effect of proper fluoride supply is widely described. In order to avoid overdose, it is best to consult a specialist to properly select the dosage.
Funding Information
  • National Science Centre Poland (UMO-2021/43/B/ST5/02960)
  • Wroclaw Medical University (SUBZ.B180.23.054, SUBZ.Z516.23.010)