Influence of mineral fertilizers on sunflower yield in the western zone of Azerbaijan

The article presents the results of research on the effect of mineral fertilizers on sunflower yield in the western zone of Azerbaijan. One of the main values of mineral fertilizers is to improve the quality of the crop, the rate of growth and fertility. The soil needs fertilizing, because it is very difficult for plants to cope with certain substances in the soil, weather conditions, insects, weeds and other harmful factors. Therefore, for the full growth and development of plants, a number of minerals are needed, among them nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. In many cases, nature itself restores its mineral composition of soils, which requires a lot of time, as well as the presence of organic humus. For this, dried grasses and fallen leaves are suitable. In agriculture, the situation is different. After harvesting in autumn, the land remains desiccated in terms of nutrients. All minerals are simply taken with plants and exported by farmers when harvesting fields. Hence the urgent need for additional nutritious top dressing. The use of mineral fertilizers is one of the most important elements in the technology of sunflower cultivation, providing an increase in the yield and quality of seeds. Therefore, the correct determination of doses of mineral fertilizers for the first time in the zone is one of the urgent tasks. In this regard, we tried to determine the doses of mineral fertilizers on the effect of sunflower yield. As a result of the conducted studies it can be concluded that in order to obtain a large and high-quality harvest of sunflower seeds and restore soil fertility on chestnut irrigated soils of the Ganja-Kazakh zone, it is recommended that farms use mineral fertilizers in the norm N120P120K120 annually.