ExtractBibliography: Bjorklund/Newcombe, International investment law and arbitration: cases, materials, and commentary, Oxford University Press 2017; Burgstaller/Zarowna, Effects of Disposal of Investments on Claims in Investment Arbitration, (2019) 36 J. Int#x2019;l Arb. 231–258; Commission/Moloo, Procedural issues in international investment arbitration, Oxford University Press 2018; Crawford, Treaty and Contract in Investment Arbitration, (2008) 24 Arb. Int#x2019;l 351–374; Demirkol, Judicial acts and investment treaty arbitration, Cambridge University Press 2018; Dolzer/Schreuer, Principles of International Investment Law, 2nd ed. , Oxford University Press 2012; Douglas, The Hybrid Foundations of Investment Treaty Arbitration, (2003) 74 BYBIL 151–289; Douglas, The International Law of Investment Claims, Cambridge University Press 2009; Dumberry, A guide to general principles of law in international investment arbitration, Oxford University Press 2020; Ferrari/King, Investment arbitration in a nutshell, West Academic Publishing 2020; Hobér, Investment treaty arbitration: problems and exercises, Edward Elgar Publishing 2018; McLachlan/Shore/Weiniger, International Investment Arbitration: Substantive Principles, 2nd ed. , Oxford University...