Blast Load on Honeycomb Rigid Wall

Blast wave and its reflected pressure distribution on rigid wall surface developed by a blast shockwave mainly depend on the section geometry of blast wall, and has always been key research topics of structural protection engineering and impact engineering. The current research mainly focuses on the wall with regular rectangular cross-section, but there has been little research on the blast load distribution of the honeycomb rigid wall subjected to blast wave. In this paper, a theoretical analysis has been carried out attempting to predict clearing blast load and reflected pressure distribution on honeycomb-section wall subjected to ground blast. Then, combined with LS/DYNA FEA method, a numerical simulation of blast load and shockwave propagation on honeycomb-section wall was carried out, and the blast experiment was conducted to verify the finite element model. The results indicated that the distribution of blast load on honeycomb wall presents a non-monotonic change along the length of the wall, and the incidence angle at blast surface of honeycomb wall periodically changes with the longitudinal direction of the wall, resulting in a sawtooth wave form of reflected pressure, and gradually decreasing with the increase of the distance between the measuring points along the wall length; The blast load predicting model of honeycomb established in this paper can reasonably reveal the overpressure distribution characteristics on blast wall of honeycomb-section rigid wall which has been verified by numerical simulation and blast experiment results. The research findings pave the way for studying the interaction between blast waves and the honeycomb-section wall in the explosion field, and provide supports for the prediction of the honeycomb-section wall blast load and protection design in impact engineering.