Planar Graph Perfect Matching Is in NC

Is perfect matching in NC? That is, is there a deterministic fast parallel algorithm for it? This has been an outstanding open question in theoretical computer science for over three decades, ever since the discovery of RNC perfect matching algorithms. Within this question, the case of planar graphs has remained an enigma: On the one hand, counting the number of perfect matchings is far harder than finding one (the former is #P-complete and the latter is in P), and on the other, for planar graphs, counting has long been known to be in NC whereas finding one has resisted a solution. In this article, we give an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in a planar graph. Our algorithm uses the above-stated fact about counting perfect matchings in a crucial way. Our main new idea is an NC algorithm for finding a face of the perfect matching polytope at which a set (which could be polynomially large) of conditions, involving constraints of the polytope, are simultaneously satisfied. Several other ideas are also needed, such as finding, in NC, a point in the interior of the minimum-weight face of this polytope and finding a balanced tight odd set.
Funding Information
  • NSF (CCF-1815901)
  • DIMACS/Simons Collaboration on Bridging Continuous and Discrete Optimization (CCF-1740425)

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