工业生产过程往往是一个大惯性、大迟延、非线性的控制对象,常规的PID控制很难达到良好的控制效果;预测控制的提出,可以有效地解决非线性、大迟延、大惯性的问题。本文选取典型的工业过程对象即非线性水箱进行预测控制的研究。在进行水箱试验前,需要在MATLAB上进行对象模型的辨识,以及必要参数的预整定。经实验结果表明,有约束预测控制算法在控制品质和调节时间上是优于传统的PID控制的,且该算法的鲁棒性能良好。 The industrial production process is often a large inertia, large delay, and nonlinear control object. It is difficult to achieve good control effect by conventional PID control. The prediction control can effectively solve the problems of nonlinearity, large delay and large inertia. This paper selects the typical industrial process object, namely the nonlinear water tank for predictive control research. Before the tank test, it is necessary to identify the object model and pre-define the necessary pa-rameters on MATLAB. The experimental results show that the constrained predictive control al-gorithm is superior to the traditional PID control in terms of control quality and adjustment time, and the robust performance of the algorithm is good.

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