Ausência de parâmetros básicos e de manejo na construção de tanques escavados de piscicultura em Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre

The fish farming activity is growing rapidly, requiring good water and abundant in well-designed ponds. This research is to verify the construction of fishponds and to compare with established technical standards, as well as the quality of existing water in them .The present study was conducted in fishponds located in the city of Cruzeiro do Sul, Acre state, Brazil. We proceeded initially visual assessment of the ponds and property of fish, and were selected twenty (20) tanks randomly, and they were divided as follows: Vila Assis Brazil (three tanks), Vila Santa Rosa (four tanks), Vila São Pedro (three tanks), Miritizal (four tanks), BR 364 (six tanks), thus totaling the overall total of twenty tanks. Was also carried out water analysis in situ and collected water, put in jars plastics, for subsequent laboratory analysis of nitrogenous compounds. The literature review was used to compare the infrastructure of tanks observed in the field with the description of the observed infrastructure in literature aquiculture. The results showed that the ponds were outside the building standards and values were variable in relation to water quality. Therefore, it is concluded that there was not adequate planning for the construction of the tanks, thus influencing the water quality parameters.