Author analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment on domestic investment in host developing countries and checks whether a foreign direct investment has a “positive” or “negative” impact on domestic investment, as well as evaluating the impact of selected variables on this relationship. Using a full sample, the main conclusion of this study is that FDI does have a positive (crowding out) effect on domestic investment in this sample of developing economies. In the short term, an increase in FDI by one percentage point as a percentage of GDP leads to an increase in total investment as a percentage of the host country’s GDP of about 10.7%, while in the long term this effect is about 31% dollar terms, one US dollar represents us 1.7$ of total investment in the short term and us 3.1$ in the long term. Based on the results of this study, it was once again proved that inflation hinders domestic investment in host countries by 0.04% and 0.12% in the short and long term, respectively.