标准化试题库的建设与应用已经成为推进教考分离,提高口腔课程教学质量的一项重要措施。为了进一步推进口腔基础课程的教考分离,不断提高本科生教学质量,客观评价教师的教学效果,评定学生对口腔基础课程知识的理解和掌握情况,减轻教师在教学过程中人工组卷和阅卷的工作量,我们课题组建设了口腔基础课程标准化试题库。本研究通过分析山东大学口腔组织病理学标准化题库建设中的实际工作,对口腔基础课程的标准化题库建设的作用、意义和应用进行评价,进一步完善题标准化题库的建设。 The construction and application of standardized exam question bank have become an important measure to promote the separation of teaching and examination and improve the teaching quality of stomatology courses. In order to further promote the separation of teaching and examination of basic stomatology courses, continuously improve the teaching quality of undergraduates, objectively evaluate teachers’ teaching effects, evaluate students’ understanding and mastery of basic stomatology courses, and reduce the workload of teachers in manually composing and scoring papers in the teaching process, our research group has built a standardized exam question bank for basic stomatology courses. This study analyzes the actual work in the construction of the standardized exam question bank of stomatology histopathology of Shandong University, evaluates the role, significance and application of the standardized exam question bank of stomatology basic courses, and further improves the construction of the standardized exam question bank.