Nanotechnologies in concrete production

The aim was to investigate the prospects and possibilities of using nanotechnologies and nanomateri-als in construction, particularly in concrete production. The research methodology involved a set of methods and principles of scientific cognition, as well as general and specific methods and techniques, such as comparative analysis, modelling, classification, grouping, generalization and forecasting. The authors propose a method of concrete production using a matter with a specified atomic structure. It was established that the consideration of atoms and microparticles can increase the efficiency of con-crete production. In addition, special attention is paid to a nanoparticle as the structural unit of nano-technology. Nanoparticles are capable of changing the colour of artificial coatings, increasing the wear resistance of materials and improving their resistance indicators. In innovative technologies, reinforced steel, composite reinforcement and nanocoatings are used. In addition, detailed information is provid-ed on structural composites having a ceramic, iron or polymer matrix. A particular emphasis is placed on the advantages of nanoconcrete. Nanoconcrete represents a whole group of materials that can im-part the desired characteristics to products and structures. Expanding the use of nanotechnology in construction implies the need for an interdisciplinary and multidimensional approach for further re-search and development, including such fields as civil engineering, materials science, physics and oth-er related disciplines.