Planning and implementation of a study of times and methods in the Packaging Logistics Center (PLC) of industrial gas - analysis and standardization of production

The industrial gasification operations sector has transformed the logistics of industrial processes in the production, distribution and supply of gas to customers, as a result of increased demand and market competitiveness. In the health sector, this type of behavior occurs on a daily basis, in order to meet the demand for medical gas (O2) supply in hospitals. The present investigation offers a proposal for methodological-investigative-mixed development, in relation to the study of times and methods focused on a gas supply company, in an effort to standardize processes. This is presented in five main phases: 1) Initial production diagnosis, with the analysis of the current productive behavior; 2) characterization and planning of the production proposal of the company being investigated; 3) purification and statistical treatment of information, analysis and sample intervention; 4) matrix construction and generation of production standards; 5) analysis of the results and presentation of the value proposition, through the application of engineering strategies and the cost-benefit ratio. The results obtained from the present investigation made it possible to optimize the operational times of the gas inspection process, filling of rack cylinders and mobile gas pumping by 14.72%, 6.46% and 8.02%, respectively.