ExtractThe Whole Truth and Nothing. But the Truth! Immanuel Kant The human being who is conscious of having character in his way of thinking does not have it by nature; he must always have acquired it. One may also assume that the grounding of character is like a kind of rebirth, a certain solemnity of making a vow to oneself; which makes the resolution and the moment when this transformation took place unforgettable to him, like the beginning of a new epoch. With Deacon’s reflections on the forgetting of indexical semiotic relations in the service of acquiring symbolic semiotic relations we have returned to the beginning of our study. We began our discussions with an analogue forgetting, a forgetting of earlier processes of understanding. Forgetting seems to have a more profound significance for the experience of metanoia. The metanoietic transformation always links up with formulas of astonishment such as “I...