Multiple pregnancies pose numerous threats both for foetuses and neonates. The following disorders are encountered among the most important perinatal disturbances: EPH – gestosis, immature labour and premature rupture of foetal membranes. Also during the labour, particularly the second one and the following ones, various lesions that may cause increased incidence of diseases and mortality in this group of neonates [5, 6, 10, 18, 21, 22, 25]. Complications encountered in neonates from multiple pregnancies, resulting both from abnormal conditions of intrauterine development and from perinatal pathology, require still wider studies, particularly within the context of intensified obstetrical care of women with multiple pregnancies [7, 11, 13, 16, 24].In the years 1996-1998, out of 3883 neonates born in the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the Silesian Medical Academy, 152 (3,9%) came from multiple pregnancies. This period included one case of quadruplets, eight cases of triplets and 62 twin pregnancies. Pregnant women were directed to our Chair within the program of multidisciplinary care of women with complicated pregnancies and they also came from the Department of Pathology of Pregnancy in our Chair. In 18 women, treated for infertility, the pregnancy was accomplished as a result of application of various techniques of assisted procreation. In one case – 4 foetuses were indicated, in five cases – three foetuses and in 12 cases – two foetuses.