Determination of Fuel Properties of Some Alcohols (Bioethanol, Butanol), Biodiesel and Diesel Mixtures Obtained from Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) Oil

In this study, some alcohols (bioethanol, butanol) are mixed with different amounts in volume (M100, B100, M75B20E5, M70B20E10, M65B20E15, M75B205, M70B2010 and M65B2015) some physical and chemical fuel properties of diesel, biodiesel and obtained alcohol + biodiesel + diesel blend fuels (Density, Kinematic viscosity, Flash point, Water content, Copper strip corrosion, Cloud point, Pour point, Cold filter block point (SFTN), The thermal value) was determined.According to the results of the research, it was observed that the physical and chemical fuel properties of biodiesel and blended fuels were within the standard fuel properties. The cetane number of M65B20E15 fuels was 12% lower than the diesel standard (TS 3082 EN 590). In addition, when cold flow properties were examined, it was determined that ethanol and butanol added to fuels contributed positively.