Kontestasi Pro Dan Kontra Ritual Petik Laut Pada Masyarakat Nelayan Puger Jember

Petik laut ceremony is an activity undertaken by the Puger fisherman community,ethnic backgrounds, religions and culure are diverse, it makes people have particular view in doing that activity that communities are from ethnic Javanese,madurese, mandarin ethnic, and also Chinese ethnic.petik laut is a ritualceremony conducted puger fisherman community to express theirgratitude to the good, the harvest sea, sailing towards salvation in the lord and is done every os Suroor muharram month every year. The goal of the ceremony of petik laut in puger are they hope will get a lot of fishes, the safety when they were fishing and sailing. There are some contradiction between the majority of fisherman and religious leader or ulama that deal with petik laut ceremony. Most of religious leader disagree about petik laut ceremony because of the believe of the fisherman that they will get much fish when the petik laut ceremony were undertaken. Its about believe that Allah only one that give us safety and sustenance or treasure (fishes). Most of fisherman community belive that petik laut ceremony as agent to be safety and about sustenance. In contrast with most of religious leader or ulama that supposed petik laut ceremony is shirk (syirik) in Islamic religion. The contrast thougt between fisherman community and religious leader about petik laut ceremony will not become the conflict because of the awareness of them to be in good social interaction. Mutual cooperation and togetherness still alive in their community in Puger Jember.