The current study was undertaken to elucidate and give more attention about the nature of pedogenic concentrations and their relation for differentiated soil taxonomic units. Fourteen soil profiles were selected to represent some soils developed under the environmental conditions of some common geomorphic units in Egypt. The abundance and nature of pedogenic calcium carbonate, gypsum, soluble salts and gley phenomena were morphologically described and discussed geomorphological. These pedogenic features are the most factors used for the subdivisions of soil master horizons designations. The selected 14 soil profiles were classified to 14 soil families differentiated under 12 subgroups belonging to 3 suborders of Aridisols and 2 suborders of Vertisols. The diagnostic of both soil horizons and characteristics related to soil concentrations are the most common factors for identified the obtained soil taxa. The soil series differentia within families are the most important level related to agriculture land use. The narrowly total concentrations content, depth and thickness of diagnostic horizons are the commonly criteria used for soil series. Relevant to potential uses of soils, some additional properties such as fractionation of total CaCo3 and active fraction, size, shape, color and hardness of secondary crystalline of different concentrations should be taken into account to differentiate between soil series or for phase distinctions.