Rheumatische Erkrankungen – Betreuung am Übergang zum Erwachsenenalter

Das Jugend- und junge Erwachsenenalter stellt eine besondere Risikophase für Verlauf und Prognose rheumatischer Erkrankungen dar. Etwa die Hälfte der jungen Rheumatiker bricht in dieser lebensprägenden Zeit vorübergehend oder dauerhaft die regelmäßige fachspezifische Versorgung ab [1] [2] [3]. Worauf in der medizinischen Betreuung rheumakranker Jugendlicher und junger Erwachsener zu achten ist, wird in diesem Beitrag dargestellt. Adolescence and young adulthood represent a vulnerable phase of life, especially for young people with a chronic rheumatic disease. On the one hand, the chronic disease can impair the biopsychosocial development of young people. On the other hand, risk behaviour common in adolescence and young adulthood can negatively influence the course and outcome of the rheumatic disease. In this challenging and future health-determining phase, up to half of the young people with chronic rheumatic diseases temporarily or permanently drop out of specialized care and are therefore particularly at risk of adverse outcomes. To ensure continuity of care and the best possible outcomes for those affected, young people need education, support, and guidance. They must be prepared to be appropriately responsible and capable of managing their own health and well-being as adults. The key principles to be considered in the care of adolescents and young adults with rheumatic diseases and what is known so far about transitional care in rheumatology are presented in this paper. Publication Date: 14 September 2021 (online) © 2021. Thieme. All rights reserved. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany