Analysis of Mixed Method of the Effect of Dating Status on Sexual Behavior in Adolescents Grade XI at SMAXYZ Medan

Sexual behavior is any behavior that is driven by sexual desire, whether done alone, with the opposite sex or of the same sex, from feeling attracted, dating, flirting, and having sex. Dating status and sexual behavior are closely related. The increasing age of dating adolescents has an impact on increasing opportunities for sexual behavior. This study aimed to analyze the effect of dating status on sexual behavior in Grade XI at SMA XYZ Medan in 2020.This research was mixed method. The population was 413 adolescents, the sample used accidental sampling technique. For quantitative, there are 80 teenagers, including 39 boys and 41 girls. And 6 qualitative informants including teenagers who are dating, peers and teachers. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistical tests with univariate, bivariate and triangulation. The results showed that the cross-tabulation value of the effect of dating status on sexual behavior in adolescents was p (0.000) <α (.05). There was an effect of dating status on sexual behavior in adolescents. Based on the qualitative results, the key informants stated that they were dating and had committed various sexual behaviors with their boyfriends, while the supporting informants, namely peers, stated that they were close friends with the key informants, knew the dating status and had seen sexual behavior carried out by the key informants.The conclusion that sexual behavior in adolescents at SMA XYZ was found. It is hoped that adolescents will maintain a friendly environment in social interactions and be more active in positive activities, so that unbeneficial activities such as those related to dating and sexual behavior can be avoided.