Obstrucción crónica de la vía aérea en la infancia. Causas más frecuentes. Tratamiento quirúrgico y endoscópico

Introduction: Obstructive airway pathology in children may be congenital or acquired. Fortunately, it is a rare condition, but in most cases, it implies a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. Endoscopic techniques have experienced in the last years a breakthrough in the treatment of these lesions, but open surgery still plays an important role. Objective: Our objective was to review the most frequent causes of obstruction of the central airway in the child, their diagnostic and current treatment status. Conclusions: Obstructive airway pathology in children requires immediate stabilization, detailed assessment, meticulous planning and individualized treatment. Management of patients with airway obstruction requires a close cooperation between specialists organized in multidisciplinary teams, whose main objective is the diagnosis and timely resolution of the various congenital malformations and acquired lesions that affect the larynx, trachea and bronchi. In many cases the decision of the treatment of choice is not easy. Selection of the most suitable treatment depends on the patient's clinical situation and the anatomic type of stenosis. The surgeon must master all available techniques, to solve each specific situation.