Nonprofit Resource Contribution and Mission Alignment in Interorganizational, Cross-Sector Public Health Networks

Given the complexity of today’s social and political dilemmas, a common method of program and policy implementation is surfacing in the form of interorganizational, cross-sector goal-directed networks. This article applies the “Core Dimensions of Connectivity” framework to analyze how the increasing inclusion of nonprofit organizations in public health goal-directed interorganizational networks is associated with goal achievement. Variables related to sector-based resource contributions and mission alignment were analyzed in their relation to outcomes in 177 networks. The findings indicate that significant differences exist across sectors. Compared to public and for-profit organizations, nonprofit organizations bring a greater number and diversity of resources to public health networks, and are perceived by their public and for-profit partners as having the strongest support of the network’s mission. We also find that resource contributions and mission alignment affect outcome achievement. This article discusses practical challenges networks face and informs techniques for effectively managing interorganizational goal-directed networks.