CNN-Based Fall Detection Strategy with Edge Computing Scheduling in Smart Cities

The livelihood problem, especially the medical wisdom, has played an important role during the process of the building of smart cities. For the medical wisdom, the fall detection has attracted the considerable attention from the global researchers and medical institutions. It is very difficult for the traditional fall detection strategies to realize the intelligent detection with the following three reasons: (i) the data collection cannot reach the real-time level; (ii) the adopted detection methods cannot satisfy the enough stability; and (iii) the computation overhead of collection device is very high, which causes the barely satisfactory detection effect. Therefore, this paper proposes Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based fall detection strategy with edge computing consideration, where the global network view ability of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is used to collect the generated data from smartphone. Meanwhile, on one hand, the edge computing is exploited to put some computation tasks at the edge server by the scheduling technique. On the other hand, CNN is equipped with both edge server and smartphone, and it is leveraged to train the related data and further give the guidance of fall detection. The experimental results show that the novel fall detection strategy has a more accurate rate, transmission delay, and stability than two cutting-edge strategies.

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