目的:近年来动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病(Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, ASCVD)因其较高的发生率及其较差的预后受到越来越多的关注。ASCVD导致患者日常工作和生活能力直线下降,严重影响了患者的生活质量水平。因此,在临床工作中早期发现和早期治疗尤为重要,有多项研究表明平均血小板体积(MPV)与血小板计数(PLT)比值与ASCVD有显著相关性,本文就该方面内容,依据国内外的研究进行多方面的阐述。 Objective: In recent years, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, ASCVD) has attracted more and more attention because of its high incidence and poor prognosis. ASCVD leads to a sharp decline in the ability of daily work and life of patients, which seriously affects the quality of life of patients. Therefore, early detection and early treatment are particularly important in clinical work. Many studies have shown that there is a significant correlation between mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet count (PLT) ratio and ASCVD. This paper expounds this aspect according to the research at home and abroad.