IoT Device Temperature Forecasting

IoT has gained ever-expanding approval with usages, applications and great influence in every sphere of life. In recent time, it is the new trend in wireless connectivity. The data generated by IoT devices varies and can come in unfiltered formats. To present these data in a well-accepted format, this paper has proposed some insights to presenting data in ways they can be simply filtered and modelled using EDA and Visualizing technique as the effectiveness and efficiency of IoT applications is dependent on the thoroughness of data presented. Such huge data requires filtering for precise modelling. Prophet, a time-series predictive model was utilized in python. The dataset used contains the random recording of temperature readings from IoT devices installed outside and inside a room. The data is then transferred and analysed in Jupyter notebook that utilizes a python environment. The results generated also illustrated a comparison between the inside and outside temperature readings of the IoT devices.