Influence of aluminum substitution on the fi eld of effective magnetic anisotropy and the degree of magnetic texture of anisotropic polycrystalline hexagonal ferrites of barium and strontium for substrates of microstrip devices of microwave electronics

In this paper, the effect of Al3+ ions substitutions on the value of the effective magnetic anisotropy field НАeff and the degree of magnetic texture f of the anisotropic polycrystalline hexagonal barium and strontium ferrites were studied. The samples were obtained by the ceramic technology method and the texture was formed by pressing in a magnetic field. The sample preparation technology presented in detail. The batches of barium hexaferrites were synthesized with the concentration of Al3+ ions: 0.9; 1.4; 2.5 and 2.6 formula units while strontium hexaferrites had Al3+ concentration of 0.1 formula units. It has been shown that by this technology barium and strontium hexaferrites with high value of (in range of 19—35 kOe) and with f = 80—83% could be obtained. The achieved values of НАeff and f could be sufficient for the production of substrates for microstrip microwave devices in millimeter−wave region.For the first time a raise in the degree of magnetic texture of polycrystalline barium hexaferrites with an increase of concentration of Al3+ ions were detected; a slight (5.5—5.8%) magnetic texture of isotropic strontium hexaferrites was also detected. The achieved results discussed in detail. For studied hexaferrites the mechanism of magnetic texture formation during the process of synthesis is proposed.