Recent studies in education attempt to ‘criminologise’ some of the current practices and policies of higher education institutions – that is, to deconstruct certain philosophies and practices which may be discriminatory, offensive, and biased to certain social groups. Recent theoretical frameworks problematize current higher education policies, many of which are taken for granted. This paper adopts a critical perspective, shedding light on some practices as they occur in higher educational institutions, by human and non-human agencies. The study applies a ‘detective’ approach examining some problematic uses of technology a higher education institution. In this proposed approach, researchers play the role of ‘‎‎detectives’, investigating possible breaches of good practice (possibly discriminatory) committed by higher education actors (referred hereafter as ‘defendants’). Most of these offences are committed through the use of educational and institutional technologies. The purpose of this theoretical approach is to empower alienated social groups against such practices by identifying ‘defendants’‎‎ and the implications of their acts. The study investigates empirical data from interviews, visits, and observations to explain the ways in which defendants respond to the accusations levelled against them by other users of educational technologies. The investigation revealed that technology was used, among many other functions, to manoeuvre around the legal and ethical system‎‎ serving the interests of some stakeholders. Then, the study categorises these manoeuvres, explaining the legal implications of each category, and recommending consideration of important academic and institutional issues. محاولات بحثية حديثة تتجه نحو 'تجريم' بعض الممارسات والسياسات الراهنة في التعليم العالي– وتسعى إلى تفكيك الفلسفات والتطبقات التي يمكن أن تفضي إلى انتهاكات التمييز والاساءة ضد فئات المجتمع المختلفة، و برزت مؤخرا أطرٌ نظرية تدعم هذا الاتجاه من خلال الاستشكال في سياسات التعليم العالي الحالي التي توشك أن تكون مسلمات ثابتة. في هذا السياق، تعتمد الدراسة الحالة اتجاها نقديا (استشكاليا) لتسليط الضوء على ممارسات التعليم العالي البشرية وغير البشرية، وتوظف ما نسميه بمقاربة 'المحقق' كمنهجية لدراسة الجوانب الإشكالية في الممارسات التي تتعلق باستخدام التكنولوجيا بإحدي مؤسسات التعليم العالي. في هذه المنهجية المقترحة يلعب الباحث دور 'المحقق' الذي يحقق فيما يمكن أن يقع من انتهاكات محتملة 'للممارسات الجيدة' (كبعض...

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