Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Problem Base Learning (PBL) pada Pembelajaran IPA

This study aimed to determining the influence of students in understanding the concept of learning science in the classroom. The research subjects were students of class VIII at SMPN 3 Selong, namely class VIII A and class VIII B, with the data retrieval process using a written test of 5 items of description. The average value obtained in the control class is 65.48 while the experimental class is 85.48 with a difference of 20 points. For the hypothesis value t_hitung = 2.042 while t_tabel = 1.079 from the results of the calculation of the hypothesis test results of learning science students obtained t_hitung > t_tabel =, then the hypothesis alternative (Ha) is accepted. So it can be concluded that there is an influence in the application of the Problem Base Learning model in science learning at SMP 3 Selong