Novel method for determination of total phenolic compounds in wastewater after ultrasonic treatment by flow injection analysis with smart phone

Ultrasound waves are caused by oscillating molecular motions in a propagation medium. The waves have a very high frequency (20 kHz). Flow injection analysis is can analyze multiple samples, high accuracy, a very fast response time , modern technical devices that are small. This research intended to study the efficiency of ultrasound waves were determined total phenolic compounds in wastewater .Smart phone was used to investigate results and optimum conditions .The sample or standard phenol solution were injected into a carrier stream to react with 4-aminoantipyrine reagent then expose it to ultrasound waves (46 kHz) which was detected by spectrophotometer. A good linear calibration curve in the range of (250-2000 mg L-1 ) was obtained with regression equation ( y=0.0108 x + 0.3453) ,( R= 0.9989 ) . Results of the experiments showed that the ultrasonic method significantly decrease peak height after using ultrasound waves because of low measurement sensitivity due to effected on bonding process between total phenol compounds and the reagent, and the effect on the bonding of the components of the reagent .