In the oldest known texts of Turkish Language and Literature / Old Turkish inscriptions with (Root) Turkish letters, knowledge, scholar, ignorant person, well-informed person, etc. words and phrases derived from the root to know, praising knowledge and being knowledgeable; it constitutes the beginning of a deep-rooted ceremony and a literary tradition that condemns ignorance, rudeness, and ignorance. This tradition, which shapes the mental foundations and intellectual life of the Turkish nation as well as the subject of poetry and prose literature, has also constituted one of the important themes of the Uighur Period Literature. Especially in the head and headings that we can divine into our language today, religious and moral values are mentioned as the measure of true knowledge, good, beauty, and virtue. The value of “knowledge”, which found a strong place in the written documents (inscriptions, books, etc.) belonging to the Old Turkish Period, after the acceptance of Islam among the Turks, “Are those who know equal to those who do not know?” (39/9); Search for his verse and knowledge even if it is in China! With the influence and encouragement of his Hadith-i Sharif, he became the source of valuable works. As a matter of fact, in the works such as Kutadgu Bilig, Divanü Lügati't- Türk, Atebetü'l- Hakayık, Divan-ı Hikmet… just after the Uyghur Turkish Period (Karahanlı Turkish Period), one of the most important themes forming the content is “knowledge”. “Knowledge” has been treated as a “value” that creates privilege and awareness in individuals, societies, and nations in the works of the later periods of Turkish. The “knowledge value”, which includes deep-rooted and rich socio-cultural accumulation and level, has also found its place in the works of Kaygusuz Abdal, one of the important representatives of Religious Sufi Turkish Literature in the XIV and XV centuries. The aim of this study is primarily to present the literary tradition formed around the "knowledge value" in the Turkish written language with its main lines and then to reveal the contribution of Kaygusuz Abdal's works to this tradition. In the research, the document analysis method, one of the qualitative data collection methods, was used. As a result of the research, it has been concluded that a rich tradition developed around the value of knowledge, and Kaygusuz Abdal is a literary personality who cares about the value of knowledge and focuses on his works.