In the Absence of Apoptosis, Myeloid Cells Arrest When Deprived of Growth Factor, But Remain Viable by Consuming Extracellular Glucose

Withdrawal of the growth factor interleukin 3 from IL3-dependent myeloid cells causes them to undergo Bax/Bak1-dependent apoptosis, whereas factor-deprivedBax-/-Bak1-/-cells remain viable, but arrest and shrink. It was reported that withdrawal of IL3 fromBax-/-Bak1-/-cells caused decreased expression of the glucose transporter Glut1, leading to reduced glucose uptake, so that arrested cells required Atg5-dependent autophagy for long-term survival. In other cell types, a decrease in Glut1 is mediated by the thioredoxin-interacting protein Txnip, which is induced in IL3-dependent myeloid cells when growth factor is removed. We mutatedAtg5andTxnipby CRISPR/Cas9 and found that Atg5-dependent autophagy was not necessary for the long-term viability of cycling or arrestedBax-/-Bak1-/-cells, and that Txnip was not required for the decrease in Glut1 expression in response to IL3 withdrawal. Surprisingly, Atg5-deficientBax/Bak1double mutant cells survived for several weeks in medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), without high concentrations of added glucose or glutamine. When serum was withdrawn, the provision of an equivalent amount of glucose present in 10% FBS (~0.5 mM) was sufficient to support cell survival for more than a week, in the presence or absence of IL3. Thus,Bax-/-Bak1-/-myeloid cells deprived of growth factor consume extracellular glucose to maintain long-term viability, without a requirement for Atg5-dependent autophagy.