Let G = exp(g) be an exponential solvable Lie group and Ad(G) ⊂ D an exponential solvable Lie group of automorphisms of G. Assume that for every non-∗-regular orbit D · q, q ∈ g, of D = exp(∂) in g, there exists a nilpotent ideal n of g containing ∂ · g such that D · qǀn is closed in n. We then show that for every D-orbit Ω in g the kernel kerC(Ω) of Ω in the C-algebra of G is L1-determined, which means that kerC(Ω) is the closure of the kernel kerL1(Ω) of Ω in the group algebra L1(G). This establishes also a new proof of a result of Ungermann, who obtained the same result for the trivial group D = Ad(G). We finally give an example of a non-closed non-∗-regular orbit of an exponential solvable group G and of a coadjoint orbit O ⊂ g, for which the corresponding kernel kerC(πO) in C(G) is not L1-determined.

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