Penerapan Metode Penemuan Terbimbing pada Pembelajaran Matematika

The purpose of the study was to apply the guided discovery method to the learning of Mathematics of Class VIII Students of Muhammadiyah Middle School 2 Tugumulyo. The research method used was a quasi-experimental method (Quasi experiment) which was carried out in an experimental class without a comparison group (control group). The population was the eighth grade students of junior high school with the total number 127 students. The sample was the students of VIII.b class which was taken randomly by means of gambling. Data analysis used in this research was t test, obtained thit = 2.92> ttab = 1.69, so that students' mathematical learning outcomes after the implimentation of guided discovery methods had been completed. The score of the average learning value of students using guided discovery method was 80.80. In conclusion, the implementation of guided learning methods was very appropriate in mathematics learning. Keywords: Discovery Learning Methods, Learning Outcomes, Mathematics.