Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Dunaliella salina terhadap jumlah polimorfonuklear leukosit ikan kerapu cantang yang diinfeksi VNN. Seratus delapan puluh ekor larva ikan kerapu cantang ditebar ke dalam 15 buah bak bervolume 16 L dengan kepadatan 10 ekor/bak. Sebelum diinfeksi VNN, ikan kerapu cantang diberi perlakuan pakan pelet yang mengandung tepung Dunaliella dengan dosis: K- (0 gr/kg pakan), A(6 gr/kg pakan), B (12 gr/kg pakan) dan C (18 gr/kg pakan) secara adlibitum selama 10 hari. Setelah 10 hari perlakuan, ikan kerapu cantang diinfeksi VNN selama 96 jam melalui injeksi intramuscular dengan dosis 0,1 ml/ekor ikan. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, Dunaliella salina berpengaruh terhadap jumlah polimorfonuklear leukosit ikan kerapu cantang yang diinfeksi VNN dengan nilai tertinggi pada perlakuan C (18 gr/kg pakan) yang mempunyai nilai rerata leukosit 45,9 x 103 sel/ml, neutrofil: 4,24 x 103 sel/ml dan eusinofil 13,38 x 103 sel/ml. Abstract This study aimed to determine the effect of Dunaliella salina on the number of Cantang grouper leukocyte polymorphonuclear infected with VNN. One hundred and eighty larvae of Cantang grouper fish were stocked into 15 pieces of 16 L volumes with a density of 10 fish/tube. Before being infected with VNN, the groupers were treated with pellet feed containing doses of Dunaliella flour with a dose: K- (0 g/kg feed), A (6 g/kg of feed), B (12 g/kg of feed) and C (18 g/kg of feed) in adlibitum for 10 days. After 10 days of treatment, Cantang groupers were infected with VNN for 96 hours through intramuscular injection with a dose of 0.1 ml/fish. Based on the observations, Dunaliella salina has an effect on the number of VNN infected grouper cucumber leukocyte polymorphonuclear with the highest value in treatment C (18 g/kg feed) which has a leukocyte mean value of 45.9 x 103 cells/ml, neutrophils: 4.24 x 103 cells/ml and eosinophils 13.38 x 103 cells/ml.

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