Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Due to Behçet's Disease—A Case Report

Behçet's disease, originally described as a triad of orogenital ulcerations and uveitis, is a chronic, multisystem disorder involving the skin, mucous mem branes, gastrointestinal tract, eyes, joints, central nervous system, and blood vessels. Vascular manifestations of Behçet's disease (vasculo-Behçet's disease) consists of venous and arterial forms. The arterial form is rare but carries a grave prognosis. The authors present a case of Behçet's disease that manifested itself with a rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. The outcome, although successful in this case, poses a prognostic dilemma for the surgical team in volved. The world literature in respect to complications and prognosis of vascu lar reconstruction in Behçet's disease is reviewed and discussed.