The Effect of the Usability of Restaurant using Kiosk on Relationship Quality

Purpose - The purpose of this study was to provide basic data to managers or marketers of restaurant companies that use kiosks to efficiently establish kiosks and enhance their utilization by learning about the effect of their use on the relationship quality. Design, data, and methodology -To accomplish this purpose, This study elicited 32 questions in total. Statistical processing of the collected data used the SPSS 21.0 Statistical Package Program and calculated the frequency and percentage of each item. Result -The use of kiosk restaurant outlets was divided into four factors: consistency, learning ability, scalability and usefulness, among which learning and usefulness were found to have a significant impact on satisfaction. In other words, kiosks in restaurant stores mean that the user''s satisfaction is determined by how quickly and easily the user learns to use them, and to what extent the user feels efficient and convenient. In addition, scalability, which refers to the characteristics of additional services and problem-solving support features that can be supported through the use of kiosks, has no significant impact on trust. The addition of these features means that they can have a positive impact on customer satisfaction but cannot be trusted. Conclusions -Based on the results that learning and usefulness were factors that positively affected both satisfaction and trust among restaurants using kiosks, interface designs such as screen design and letter size should be improved to enhance the prevalence and utilization of kiosks so that they can learn how to use them quickly and easily.