Nutritional potential of malted nutri flour against conventional flours used in Indian food products

The purpose of this study was to introduce nutri flour in the development of value-added food products. Nutri flour was developed using malted wheat, malted barnyard millet and malted pearl millet. The proximate composition, iron, some anti-nutritional factors (oxalates, phytates) and antioxidant activity were determined for developed nutri flour and conventional flours like whole wheat flour, refined wheat flour and Bengal gram flour. The results indicated that the developed nutri flour had the highest protein (18.68 g/100g) as well iron content (9.22 mg/100g) which was significantly higher than other conventional flours. The nutritional quality of the obtained nutri flour suggests that the flour can be considered as an alternative to conventional existing flours in process of food product development ensuring better nutritional quality of developed products.