概述中职学校“课程思政”研究文献基本情况,并从“课程思政”内涵、现状与问题、实施路径和发展趋势等专题做了梳理,认为“课程思政”是落实立德树人根本任务的战略举措,有利于提高中职学校人才培养的质量。要从中职学校的办学理念,思政元素的挖掘,教师德育水平,保障机制建设等方面认识到中职院校“课程思政”建设的现实困境和突出问题,树立正确的“课程思政”理念,深入挖掘课程中的思政元素,提高教师思政素养,健全保障机制建设,在此视角下中职学校未来发展趋势将向新的发展阶段、课堂、课程评价方面转变,进一步推动中职学校技能学习与价值引领的统一。 An overview of the secondary vocational school education “Curriculum Ideology and politics” research literature basic situation, and from “Curriculum Ideology and Politics” connotation, present situation and problems, implementing path and the development trend after the project to do, think “Curriculum Ideology and Politics” is a strategic measure for the implementation of moral education basic task, it is beneficial to improve the quality of talent training in secondary vocational schools. From secondary vocational school’s educational philosophy, the ideological elements of digging, the teachers’ moral education level, safeguard mechanism construction to realize vocational schools “Curriculum Ideology and Politics” of the construction of the practical difficulties and problems, set up the correct “Curriculum Ideology and Politics” concept, indepth excavation of the course ideological elements, improve teachers’ ideological quality, improve the guarantee mechanism construction, secondary vocational schools under the perspective of the future development trend to a new stage of development, class, curriculum evaluation to change, further promote the unity of skill learning and value guidance in secondary vocational schools.