A comparison of fluoride removal techniques using multi criteria analysis

The increase in hazardous substances in drinking water is an eye-catching problem of modern world. Where the urban life style is setting new goals, the environment safety of living beings is in poor hands. Almost each and every living thing depends on water for basic survival, but the pollution makes it difficult for health and growth. Fluoride is an ion present in nature and also essential for our body. It helps to strengthen the bone and teeth. But the rapid industrialisation increases the amount of fluoride in natural sources, this increased level tends to decline the health of human, water animals, and plants. So our focus should be to remove the excess fluoride, make water drinkable as per the quality standards for a better future. Various techniques are discussed like coagulation, ion-exchange, membrane separation, adsorption, and electrocoagulation for fluoride removal with advantages and disadvantages. An analysis was performed keeping various criteria for the removal of fluoride ion from water. Adsorption was found to be most suitable compared to others.