On the Management of College Students under the Concept of “Cultivating Morality and Cultivating People”

In the report of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it is proposed that colleges and universities should take the theoretical system of “cultivating morality and cultivating people as the fundamental task of education” as the guidance center. The basic concept of “cultivating morality and cultivating people” has become the main guiding ideology for universities in China to carry out student work. While cultivating professional talents for the country, universities also shoulder the task of cultivating and inspecting the comprehensive quality of talents and are committed to cultivating comprehensive talents with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, arts and labor. Therefore, it is of great value and significance to explore the innovative modes and practical methods of student management in colleges and universities under the concept of “cultivating morality and cultivating people”. Under the theoretical system of “cultivating morality and cultivating people”, colleges and universities actively explore new paths, new forms and new methods of student management.