Amphibian diversity in different habitat of Agro ecosystem in Aurangabad district (Bihar)

Amphibians are one of the key components of various ecosystems viz. freshwater, grassland as well as forest ecosystem. Present study for assessment of amphibian diversity was conducted in different agro ecosystem habitat types of Aurangabad district of Bihar province. Different habitat types selected for assessment of amphibian diversity of this area as: - (1) agricultural and non-agricultural land (2) pond (3) grassland. The data was collected by visual encounter survey and call count survey using line transect method. Species identification was confirmed with pictorial guide and various identification keys available. Collected data was analysed descriptively as well as statistically to find out different diversity indices. A total of 13 species of amphibians belonging to 4 families and 9genera were recorded. This study reveals that the Aurangabad district of Bihar province is rich in amphibian fauna. The district lies between 24°45’ and 24°75’ North Longitude and 84°22’ and 84°37’ East latitude. Further studies may explore the population structure, microhabitat, habitat, and use by amphibians for better understanding and also impose of several conservation strategies in Bihar state.