¿Quién cuida en la ciudad? Aportes para políticas urbanas de igualdad

The book ?Quien cuida en la ciudad? Aportes para politicas urbanas de igualdad (Who assumes care in the city? Contributions for urban policies of equality) participates in the debate on the construction of inclusive cities with gender equality taking stand from the perspective of care. It postulates that such a goal implies overcoming the dichotomous visions that separate the public and the private, to conceive the urban as a space that articulates production and consumption, and reproduction of everyday life. The book presents the results of recent studies carried out by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in Latin American cities. They are united by a common proposal: care is a political issue, as is the autonomy of women, an aspect closely linked to care. It is necessary, therefore, to address them with public policies that generate changes in a social structure where domestic and care work is assigned primarily to women. Being not remunerated, it is closely associated to the poverty of time and space that affects them. The proposal of the book is summarized in indicating the road towards a "caretaker city", where, in a context of co-esponsibility and solidarity, each and every one cares: the State, the market, families, the community, men and women