COVID-19 adalah penyakit menular yang telah menjadi krisis kesehatan utama sejak tahun 2020. Penyakit ini dikaitkan dengan banyak penyakit lain, termasuk human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Kasus pada pria usia 33 tahun dengan riwayat HIV sejak tahun 2020 mengeluh batuk berdahak disertai bercak darah, nyeri menelan, demam intermiten, dan bercak putih di lidah. Hasil swab PCR COVID-19 positif dengan rontgen dada tampak normal. Evaluasi CD4 rutin setiap 6 bulan dengan nilai terakhir 312 sel/mm3. Pasien didiagnosis COVID-19 derajat sedang dan HIV. Terapi sesuai pedoman COVID-19 dan antiretroviral dengan prognosis baik. COVID-19 is an contagious disease that has become a major health crisis since 2020. This disease is associated with many other diseases, including the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The case is a 33-year-old male with a history of HIV since 2020, complaining of a cough accompanied by blood-stained sputum, painful swallowing, intermittent fever, and white patches on the tongue. The COVID-19 PCR swab was positive with a normal chest X-ray. Routine CD4 evaluation every 6 months showed the latest value of 312 cells/mm3. The patient was diagnosed as moderate COVID-19 and HIV. Management is according to COVID-19 guidelines and antiretroviral with a good prognosis.